How To Make A DIY Neon Sign

How to Make a DIY Neon Sign

Neon signs are a unique and eye-catching way to make a space or message stand out. If you are wondering how to make these neon signs by yourself, continue reading. 

So, where do you start the DIY neon sign process? Building a DIY neon sign might seem intimidating, but with the right guidance and a little patience, it’s definitely achievable. We will walk you through the entire process, from choosing the perfect design to assembling your neon creation.

Are you ready to light up your world with custom DIY neon signs? Let’s get started!

Can I Make a Neon Sign at Home?

Neon signs are the ultimate way to add a personal touch to your space. And the best part? You don’t need to be an artist or electrician to create your own. With a little creativity and some basic materials, you can craft a unique DIY neon sign that reflects your style and personality.

What Equipment Do I Need to Make Neon Signs?

  1. EL (Electroluminescent) Wire or LED Neon Flex: These are the heart of your DIY neon light sign. EL wire is flexible and comes in various colors, which is perfect for creating that classic neon glow. For a more modern twist, you can opt for LED neon flex, which is equally flexible but more durable and energy-efficient.
  2. Metal Wire or a Sturdy Frame: This will serve as the backbone of your DIY neon signgiving structure to your design.
  3. Hot Glue Gun: Use this tool to attach the EL wire or LED neon flex securely to your metal frame or wire.
  4. String or Tape: Useful for tracing your design and ensuring everything stays in place when making LED signs.
  5. Pencil and Paper: For sketching out your DIY neon sign design before you start working with the actual materials.
  6. White Tape: To wrap around any remaining cord, ensuring it blends seamlessly with your wall or background.

With these items in hand, you’re all set to create a custom DIY neon signthat reflects your unique style!

How Much Does It Cost to Make a DIY Led Neon Sign?

The cost of making a DIY LED neon sign can vary depending on the size and complexity of your design, as well as the materials you choose. On average, a DIY neon sign project might cost anywhere from $30 to $150.

  • EL Wire or LED Neon Flex: This is the most significant expense, with prices ranging from $10 to $50 depending on the length and quality.
  • Metal Wire or Frame: Typically, this will cost around $5 to $20.
  • Hot Glue Gun and Glue Sticks: If you don’t already have one, expect to spend about $10 to $20.
  • Miscellaneous Supplies: Items like white tape, string, and pencils usually cost around $5 to $10.

While the initial investment for a DIY LED neon sign might seem a bit steep, the satisfaction of creating your own DIY neon light sign is well worth it. 

How To Make DIY Neon Signs

Follow these simple steps to create your very own DIY neon sign:

Step 1: Decide What You Want to Shine in Neon

The first step in making your DIY neon signis to decide what message or design you want to showcase. Whether it’s a favorite quote, a symbol, or your name, choose something that reflects your needs when making LED neon signs.

Step 2: Create an Outline of a Design with a Pencil on a Piece of Paper

Once you’ve settled on your DIY neon sign design, sketch it out on a piece of paper. This will serve as your blueprint and guide as you start working with your materials. Be sure to keep the lines simple and smooth when making a homemade neon sign, as this will make it easier to bend the wire and attach the EL wire or LED neon flex.

Step 3: Use the String to Trace Around the Letters or Design

Before bending the metal wire when making your custom neon signs, use a piece of string to trace the outline of your design. This will give you a sense of how much wire and EL or LED neon you’ll need and help you make any adjustments before moving on to the next step of the DIY neon sign process.

Step 4: Bend the Metal Wire into the Shape of the Letters

With your string guide in place, start bending the metal wire to match the design of your LED neon signs. This part can be tricky when making your homemade neon sign, so take your time to ensure the letters or shapes are smooth and even.

Step 5: Using Your El Wire, Attach It to the Metal Wire with a Hot Glue Gun.

Once your frame is ready, it’s time to add the glow! Carefully glue the EL wire or LED neon flex along the metal wire, following the curves and angles of your design. When making LED signs,work slowly and steadily to ensure the wire stays in place and looks clean.

Step 6: Wrap the Remaining Cord in White Tape and Hang the Sign Where You Want It to Shine.

After securing the EL wire, wrap any remaining cord in white tape to blend it with your wall or background. Finally, hang your DIY neon sign in a place where it can shine bright!

H2: Get a Help from Professional NYC Sign Make

If you’re feeling inspired but unsure about tackling the DIY LED sign project yourself, or if you want a more polished and professional look, consider reaching out to a custom DIY neon sign maker in NYC. And when it comes to professionals, Vida Signs is the name you should trust.

Our professionals have the experience and equipment to bring your vision to life with precision and quality. Whether you’re looking for a unique DIY LED sign for your business or a custom DIY neon sign for your home, we can help you achieve a flawless neon sign.


Crafting a custom neon sign is the ultimate way to add a unique and eye-catching touch to any space. While DIY neon sign projects can be rewarding, they often require significant time and effort. By choosing our professional services, you can avoid the hassle and potential pitfalls of DIY, ensuring a high-quality, long-lasting product. 

Call us today at (212)-388-9388 and get a sign that perfectly matches your needs.

DIY Neon Sign FAQs

How long does it take to make a DIY neon sign? 

The time to create a DIY neon sign varies depending on the complexity of the design and your experience level, but it can generally take anywhere from a few hours to a few days.

Are neon signs difficult to make? 

While making LED neon signs requires some technical skill and patience, it’s doable for beginners with a bit of guidance and practice.

Do I need any advanced tools to make a DIY neon sign? 

You’ll need some basic tools like a glass cutter, soldering iron, and a gas torch, but you don’t need any specialized equipment.

What is an alternative to neon signs? 

LED lights are a popular alternative to neon signs, as they offer similar brightness and color options but are often more energy-efficient and durable.

Is making neon signs expensive? 

The cost of materials for a DIY neon sign can vary depending on the size and complexity of the design. To know the exact cost, you first need to assess your DIY project.

Can I make a DIY neon sign with battery power? 

Yes, you can power a DIY neon sign with batteries, but it’s important to choose batteries with sufficient capacity to ensure long-lasting illumination.

How long do DIY neon signs last? 

With proper care and maintenance, Homemade neon signs can last for many years. However, factors like the quality of the materials and the frequency of use can affect their lifespan.

Can I customize a DIY neon sign? 

Absolutely! You can customize your DIY neon-led sign in terms of shape, size, color, and message to create a unique and personalized piece.

Are DIY neon signs safe? 

When handled and installed correctly, DIY neon signs are generally safe. However, it’s important to follow safety guidelines and avoid touching the glass tubes while the sign is powered on.

Can I make a DIY neon sign that changes colors? 

Yes, you can create a DIY neon sign that changes colors using LED lights that can be programmed to cycle through different hues.

Can I make a DIY neon sign without using LED lights? 

Traditional neon signs use glass tubes filled with neon gas, but LED lights are a more popular and energy-efficient option for DIY projects.

Can I make my DIY neon sign waterproof? 

While it’s possible to make a DIY neon sign partially waterproof by sealing the connections and using weather-resistant materials, it’s generally best to avoid exposing neon signs to direct rain or moisture.